Espy's Commission Prices

This is my prices for commission I also do $5 sketches if you can't afford my other things! Also my payment app is Venmo and I only accept USD(U.S Dollars). I have the right to refuse services if 1. I'm uncomfy with it and 2. if it violates my won't draw list.(Prices below and with images of ref showing the portions and one with my shading style)

Terms of service(when comissioning you have to agree to this by filling out a google form saying you agree.

  • You cant re-sell my art for merch purpose or for your own receiving money benefits.

Willing and Won't do's

  • I will NOT be doing anyhting under the lines of; Politics(like vote for (insert name), Homophobia/transphobia or anything anti lbgtq+, I wont do anything that represents hate speech or hate crime or racism, ableism, or anything of the lines of discrimination, i wont do religious things that preach your religion im only drawing characters. also if its a ship of two people IN REAL LIFE i wont do that, I wont do NSFW art of anykind so keep it SFW, no heavy gore like big gashes on the stomach, vent art, SH and Suic*de, and no hypnosis things please and thank you. :)

  • What I will do; I will draw anything that wasn't listed on the don't list, I will do most fandoms and ship art(only of fictional characters), different bodies and races and nationalities, lbgtq+ art and couples, humanoids, furries, animals. soft gore as like a small cut on the cheek.

Head Shot Prices

  • Sketch; $15

  • Lineart(no color); $25

  • Lineart(Flat Colors); $35

  • Shaded Piece; $45

  • Info;

  • -Adding another character/oc:would be $10 per ADDED oc(you dont have to pay the extra $10 for the option of commission) so if you wanted 2 ocs added to just one digital canvas add $10 per oc, if they are all on separate digital canvases, say you chose sketch($15) and wanted 3 ocs on separate canvases that would be $45, charging $15 per piece.

Bust Shot Prices

  • Sketch; $15

  • Lineart(No Colors); $25

  • Lineart( Flat Colors); $30

  • Shaded; $45

  • Info; So again with headshots but different prices, if your characters are in the same image add $10 to the commission, if you wanted two separate images for the shaded option it is $90 USD

Semi Body Prices

  • Sketch; $20

  • Lineart(No Colors);$35

  • Linart(Flat Colors);$40

  • Shaded;$55

  • Info; add $10 if characters are in same image, if they aren’t then add what you want like if its a sketch with added then its $30 if you want the characters in separate images and its $40 if you have them in the same image(ex price for sketch do the math for the others depending on what you want)

Full Body Prices

  • Sketch;$25

  • Lineart(No Colors);$30

  • Linart(Flat Colors);$40

  • Shaded;$68

  • Info;Add $15 for every character in the same image and double the price for the option you choose and if you chose sketch its $50 for separate images.

Shading/Color ref

Info on the $5 Sketches

  • They are five dollars per character and can be a bust to a headshot and it will NOT be colored and its a sketch so messy but I will make it a cleanish sketch

  • If you just got one of the five dollar sketch's for one character it is $5 but if its two then $10, and etc.

Reference Sheet Price
~The ref sheet only comes in full body and flat colors making it $65 USD and you cannot add ocs into one digital canvas if you are buying the ref sheet option,it is only one oc option.

Animated Prices

  • Shaded - +$5 onto headshot/bust/semi/full

  • Flat colors - +$3 onto headshot/bust/semi/full

  • Sketch - +$2 onto headshot/bust/semi/full

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